On Monday, we turned in our electroscopes. We tested them by rubbing a balloon to our shirts, then I put the charged balloon to the copper coil on the top of the jar. I know it worked because once I put the balloon to the copper coil the aluminum foil leaves that were in my jar, connected by the copper coil, moved apart. The way this all worked was: when I rubbed the balloon to my sweater it collected electrons, then when it was put to the copper coil the copper took the electrons from the balloons, then those electrons charged both aluminum foil leaves with negative charges, which caused them to repel against each other. Once the aluminum foil leaves and electroscope were charged, I put a zinc plate to the copper coil at the top of the jar and doing that took away the electrons in the aluminum foil leaves, and once the electrons were transferred to the zinc plate, the aluminum foil leaves didn't have a charge so they didn't repel. Here are some pictures below:

On Tuesday and Wednesday, I was absent. On Thursday, we mixed calcium acetate, which an ionic compound and ethanol, to make sterno. Once we mixed the two things together and they combined making a solid, we light the solid on fire and it made a fire. Then we roasted marshmallows. Here are some pictures of our fire:
On Friday, we don't have school. Hope you have a great spring break!
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